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02323 Cor"don (k?r"d?n; F. k?r"d?n"), n. [F., fr. corde. See Cord.] 1. A cord or ribbon bestowed or borne as a badge of honor; a broad ribbon, usually worn after the manner of a baldric, constituting a mark of a very high grade in an honorary order. Cf. Grand cordon.2. The cord worn by a Franciscan friar.Sir E. Sandys.3. (Fort.) The coping of the scarp wall, which projects beyong the face of the wall a few inches.4. (Mil.) A line or series of sentinels, or of military posts, inclosing or guarding any place or thing.5. A rich and ornamental lace or string, used to secure a mantle in some costumes of state.Cordon bleu (kr`dn" bl") [F., blue cordon], a first-rate cook, or one worthy to be the cook of the cordons bleus, or Knights of the Holy Ghost, famous for their good dinners. -- Cordon sanitaire (kr`dn" s`n`tr") [F., sanitary cordon], a line of troops or military posts around a district infected with disease, to cut off communication, and thus prevent the disease from spreading.


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02311 Con"tact (?), n. [L. contactus, fr. contingere, -tactum, to touch on all sides. See Contingent.] 1. A close union or junction of bodies; a touching or meeting.2. (Geom.) The property of two curves, or surfaces, which meet, and at the point of meeting have a common direction.3. (Mining) The plane between two adjacent bodies of dissimilar rock.Raymond.Contact level, a delicate level so pivoted as to tilt when two parts of a measuring apparatus come into contact with each other; -- used in precise determinations of lengths and in the accurate graduation of instruments.


02323 Cork (k?rk), n. [Cf. G., Dan., & Sw. kork, D. kurk; all fr. Sp. corcho, fr. L. cortex, corticis, bark, rind. Cf. Cortex.] 1. The outer layer of the bark of the cork tree (Quercus Suber), of which stoppers for bottles and casks are made. See Cutose.2. A stopper for a bottle or cask, cut out of cork.3. A mass of tabular cells formed in any kind of bark, in greater or less abundance. note &hand; Cork is sometimes used wrongly for calk, calker; calkin, a sharp piece of iron on the shoe of a horse or ox. /note Cork jackets, a jacket having thin pieces of cork inclosed within canvas, and used to aid in swimming. -- Cork tree (Bot.), the species of oak (Quercus Suber of Southern Europe) whose bark furnishes the cork of commerce.