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02319 Cor"ban (?), n. [Heb. qorb\'ben, akin to Ar. qurb\'ben.] 1. (Jewish Antiq.) An offering of any kind, devoted to God and therefore not be appropriated to any other use; esp., an offering in fulfillment of a vow. note &hand; In the old Testament the hebrew word is usually translated "oblation" as in Numb. xviii. 9, xxxi. 50. /note note &hand; The traditionists laid down that a man might interdict himself by vow, not only from using for himself, but from giving to another, or receiving from him, some particular object, whether of food or any other kind. A person might thus exempt himself from assisting parents in distress, under plea of corban. /note
Dr. W. Smith.2. An alms basket; a vessel to receive gifts of charity; a treasury of the church, where offerings are deposited.


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02311 Con"tact (?), n. [L. contactus, fr. contingere, -tactum, to touch on all sides. See Contingent.] 1. A close union or junction of bodies; a touching or meeting.2. (Geom.) The property of two curves, or surfaces, which meet, and at the point of meeting have a common direction.3. (Mining) The plane between two adjacent bodies of dissimilar rock.Raymond.Contact level, a delicate level so pivoted as to tilt when two parts of a measuring apparatus come into contact with each other; -- used in precise determinations of lengths and in the accurate graduation of instruments.


02323 Cork (k?rk), n. [Cf. G., Dan., & Sw. kork, D. kurk; all fr. Sp. corcho, fr. L. cortex, corticis, bark, rind. Cf. Cortex.] 1. The outer layer of the bark of the cork tree (Quercus Suber), of which stoppers for bottles and casks are made. See Cutose.2. A stopper for a bottle or cask, cut out of cork.3. A mass of tabular cells formed in any kind of bark, in greater or less abundance. note &hand; Cork is sometimes used wrongly for calk, calker; calkin, a sharp piece of iron on the shoe of a horse or ox. /note Cork jackets, a jacket having thin pieces of cork inclosed within canvas, and used to aid in swimming. -- Cork tree (Bot.), the species of oak (Quercus Suber of Southern Europe) whose bark furnishes the cork of commerce.